Wax Away Solutions


Ear Examination

Receive a thorough assessment of your ear health, including examination of the ear canal and eardrum, to identify any wax buildup, blockages, or underlying issues that may be affecting your hearing.

Ear Wax Removal

Experience gentle and effective removal of excess ear wax using advanced techniques such as microsuction, irrigation, or manual extraction, performed by our trained specialists to restore comfort and clarity to your hearing.

Customised Treatment Plans

Benefit from personalised treatment plans tailored to your unique needs and preferences, incorporating a combination of ear wax removal techniques, follow-up care, and lifestyle recommendations to ensure the most effective and comfortable solution for your ear health journey.

Cerumen Management Education

Learn proper ear hygiene practices and receive education on the factors contributing to excessive wax buildup, empowering you to take proactive steps to maintain optimal ear health and prevent future issues.

Ear Care Products

Discover a curated selection of high-quality ear care products recommended by our specialists, including ear drops, irrigation kits, and ear cleaning tools, designed to complement your treatment plan and support ongoing ear health maintenance between appointments.

Specialised Services

Access additional diagnostic services such as tympanometry (middle ear function testing) or otoscopy (visual examination of the ear canal) to further assess and address specific ear health concerns with precision and accuracy, ensuring comprehensive care for your hearing needs.